Purchasing requirements for wood and fiber under SFI certification standard.

Geographical Areas of Interest

U.S. and Canada

Supply Chain Focus

Forest production



Related CHapters

Contact Details

Sustainable Forestry Initiative

+1 202 596-3450 www.sfiprogram.org


In the US and Canada, requires an auditable system to ensure that the raw material in the supply chain is from responsible and legal sources. This includes landowner outreach, use of qualified resource and qualified logging professional and adherence to best management practices. For sources outside North America, it requires participants to assess and address risk of acquiring materials from controversial sources.

Information Accuracy

For the US and Canada, requires participants to have an auditable system to address Forest of Exceptional Conservation Value in harvest of purchased stumpage, implement a policy to ensure that facility inventories and fiber sourcing activities do not compromise adherence to the principles of sustainable forestry, and shall monitor the use of best management practices. Outside the US and Canada, requires participants to ensure their fiber sourcing programs support principles of sustainable forestry, including efforts to promote conservation of biodiversity, thwart illegal logging and avoid controversial sources and encourage socially sound practices.


Participants’ procurement programs are expected to promote SFM principles.

Unique Forest Values

For the US and Canada, participants’ shall provide information to landowners for identification and protection of important habitat elements for wildlife and biodiversity, including Forest with Exceptional Conservation Value. This includes program to address FECV in harvests of purchased stumpage. Outside the US and Canada, participants shall ensure their fiber sourcing support efforts to promote the conservation of biodiversity hotspots and major tropical wilderness areas.

Social Aspects

Requires the establishment of an auditable system for compliance with socially sound management practices. In countries without effective laws and law enforcement, participants must assess and address issues related to workers’ health and safety, fair labor practices, indigenous peoples’ rights, antidiscrimination and anti-harassment measures, prevailing wages, and workers’ right to organize.