An online information-support tool for companies and paper products buyers to weigh and analyze the trade-offs and co-benefits of managing the environmental footprint of papermaking. The tool focuses benefits and tradeoffs of using recycled fiber, water and energy use, and emissions to water and air.

Geographical Areas of Interest

U.S. and Canada

Supply Chain Focus


Related CHapters

Contact Details

National Council of Air and Stream Improvements (NCASI)

(919) 941-6400


Provides general overview information about the use of water and energy in the paper-making process, and tradeoffs and co-benefits derived from both reduced water usage and reduced energy consumption, in terms of pollutant emissions. It also provides an overview of impacts resulting from efforts to reduce emissions of specific pollutants, including chlorinated compounds.

Fresh and Recycled Fiber

Provides general overview information about fiber recycling and statistics about recycling and recovery rates in the U.S. The website also provides an overview of the impacts of using more or less recycled content in manufacturing various paper grades, in terms of water usage, energy consumption, greenhouse gases emissions, emissions to air, water and solid waste, as well as demand for virgin fiber.


Provides general overview information about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the paper-making process, and the role of forests, wood and paper-based products in storing carbon. It also covers the links between GHG emissions and energy usage.