Global Traceability’s RADIX Tree software platform allows users to track products to their point of origin, verify supply chain data in a flexible and easy way, and connect with suppliers.

Geographical Areas of Interest


Supply Chain Focus




Related CHapters


The online platform supports the implementation of full batch level product traceability. The platform enables companies (with support from the Global Traceability team) to map and gather detailed information from their suppliers about the traceability and sustainability of products.

Information Accuracy

Allows users to compile and manage supply chain information to reduce data gaps in the supply chain allowing for better informed risk assessment.


By enabling enhanced traceability and supply information management, the platform allows users to assess their risk of sourcing illegal products in their supply chains, which could potentially violate legality requirements like the U.S. Lacey Act.


By enabling enhanced traceability and supply information management, the platform allows users to evaluate any sustainability claims associated with the products.